Goat Cheese toast with Honey & Bacon

Goat Cheese toast with Honey & Bacon

  1. 4 oz cream cheese
  2. 4 oz goat cheese*
  3. zest of 1 lemon
  4. bacon
  5. walnuts
  6. honey
  7. crackers or toast points
  1. Put equal parts cream cheese and goat cheese into food processor with the zest of 1 lemon. Combine until you have a smooth consistency, scraping down the sides periodically.
  2. Put mixture into a piping bag and pipe onto a cracker or toasted bread. Sprinkle with bacon, walnuts and honey.
  3. *consider using a flavored goat cheese to introduce additional flavor.
Marcel's Culinary Experience https://www.marcelsculinaryexperience.com/
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